(Scroll to the bottom of this text to download the printable.)
When looking for a short Bible verse for comfort and strength, an excellent place to start is Romans 15:13, a beautiful God is hope Bible verse.
One way to meditate on this scripture is to print out several translations of it and place them side by side so you can see them all at once. Then pray (aloud if possible) each verse from each Bible translation. Go slowly and let the words and concepts sink deeply into your core. Pray as you read, telling God what you think and listening for His response.
Consider all the ways in which God is your personal hope as well as the Hope of the world. Let these powerful words from Paul, a man who knew how to use hope to persevere, start a new transformation process within you.
Daily, make space for these types of contemplation with the word of God and you may be surprised at the changes in your thoughts and feelings over time.
But there’s even more you can do!
Doing the artwork on this God is hope scripture can genuinely add to its prayerful effects. You can use paint, markers, colored pencils (my favorite is watercolor pencils) to add color and feeling. In fact, adding art to verses like this one is a wonderful way to process your emotions as you meditate on the verse and its meaning.
I’m a therapeutic art Life Coach and mindfully coloring in these verses can be an excellent way to connect with the words themselves and what you are currently feeling about the topics expressed in the verses.
Feel free to print out several copies and allow yourself to go through the process, just you and God, as many times as you like.
Also feel free to print out this scripture and artwork at any size you need and carry it with you; or give it to a friend who can use some hope, too.
We all can use that from time to time.
(Just no commercial usage, please.)
If you need more scriptures of hope and strength, take a look at this page of Bible verses for every situation.