Print out these beautiful printables, frame, and give as the perfect gift for someone you care about. They will always remember you gave these.
Faith, Hope and Love are widely known and loved ideals. I love to use wise words in my hand lettering in decor to encourage myself and everyone who enters my home.
To that end, I designed hand crafted versions of Faith, Hope and Love that can be used in a variety of creative ways. You can make your own hand drawn sentiments or you can purchase mine in my Etsy Shop.
Minimalist Hand Lettering
As an artist, I’m always looking for ways to create with a fresh, maybe outside-the-box idea.
My original design of this printable art project was a minimalist approach. The black and white is clean and these printables will look sharp in an uncluttered environment.
I intentionally designed these hand lettered pieces juxtaposing the hand angles of typography with the inevitable organic imperfections of hand inking these beauties. From a distance, these look almost print-perfect, but up close you can see that the lines and circles are not precise because I hand inked them.
Adding a Pop of Color to Your Hand Drawn Wall Art
As you can see, I’m building on the firm minimalist structure of my printable Faith, Hope and Love design.
By adding a single pop of color to each of these, they instantly will work in a nursery or child’s room due to the clear, fresh pastels I’ve used. They also look great in a bedroom, as you can see.
If you’re making you’re own design, you can use exactly the colors you need to blend perfectly with your own decor.
This is an easy technique to change up a favorite typographical quote from pure minimalism to fitting in a custom setting. I did this digitally, but you can certainly add actually color to an existing piece of artwork using paints, colored pencils or watercolors. Check your underlying substrate, of course, and use the appropriate medium.
Add Artwork to Your Hand Lettering Design
In this example, we’ve left minimalism behind.
Using the same Faith, Hope and Love printables design set, I’ve added whimsical naturals. Flowers, leaves and details to keep the organic vibe flowing.
Hand lettering in decor looks great as framed artwork, of course, and adding in you own personalized photos makes the entire collage sparkle. Try it for yourself!
Did these ideas on different types of custom lettering give you even more ideas? Go ahead and play around with hand drawn words of your own. Print out a few ideas and place on your wall for a day or two. Right away you’ll know what you like and what you don’t like. Then you can proceed with more confidence.
Try more hand drawn words

Learn more about my hand lettering process and even enjoy adding watercolor to your handmade words and sentiments.