Amarie Lange Studio is where you go when you want art that makes a difference in your everyday life.
What do we mean by that?
Well, when you want to encourage someone you care about, we can help your words mean more with beautiful and emotive note and affirmation cards.
When you need to say thank you to a teacher or a colleague, we can help make that thank you unforgettable.
Maybe you wish cleaning your home or keeping track of notes was more fun. We’ve got you covered with printables that combine creative art with a practice solution.
Are you a journaler? Please! Come on in.
You’ll also find my personal philosophy: using practical forms of art to encourage, strengthen and comfort. I call that the intersection of wisdom and beauty.
What can I offer you that others can’t?
In a word: experience.
After 40 years of daily parenting plus more being a grandmom, I’ve learned to use creativity to make life better through using art every day.
I’ve learned the simple things like a note card with the right words and someone’s name on it plus some added beauty will help them feel seen, which is what you want to give to those you love.
I know what brings smiles. What motivates. What helps set a tone in a home and what encourages. In addition, flexibility and style can work together.
In fact, I love these things so much I’ve pursued training to enhance and develop these abilities so that I can offer even better ideas. To that end, I’m a certified Life Coach and a Therapeutic Art Life Coach.
So you know when I write affirmations, I understand some of the processes of turning negative into positive in the brain.
You know when you look at my checklists and journal pages I’m thinking about how to integrate the head with the heart for maximum advantage.
And you know that sometimes it’s fun to have a hand in creating your own decor or gifts…and sometimes you just want someone else to do it. So you’ll find both on this site.
I also want you to be able to bring your self to this process. To that end, I provide resources and you provide…you! How could it be better than that?
There are lots of ideas here and one thing always leads to another so I look forward to seeing you often. Stop by for a quick peek and take away a new workable idea or two for your home, office or personal space.
You’re always welcome.

Let me use my experience to
Amarie Lange Studio
benefit you.