Using a short Bible verse for comfort and strength is a great way to uplift your own day or that of someone you care about.
My specialty is adding artwork to things we can use everyday, so that’s what I’ve done with this paraphrased Bible verse with artwork.
The paraphrase gives you the concept of the actual verse, which is listed on the printable artwork.
This shortens the verse even more – sometimes that can help with remembering a particular verse. You can always look up the actual verse to savor all parts of it.
In times of trouble, we all need God’s strength to see us through.
One of the best ways to do this is to use a short Bible verse telling us of God’s love for us.
In the darkest valley, our heavenly Father sees us. Hears us. Knows us.
What could be better than that?
Use this beautiful downloadable printable however you like for personal use. (No commercial usage, please.)

(Would you like some useful suggestions for creating your own artwork for putting on Bible verses or any other meaningful text? Try these watercolor painting techniques created just for beginners.)
Helpful Tip: keep in mind when printing out the verses to color the artwork, most printer ink is not waterproof. If you want to use paints or watercolors or (some) markers on your Bible verses, it’s suggested to transfer the print out to the art paper of your choice.
Print out on sturdy cardstock and tack up on your wall for encouraging help in hard times throughout your day.
You can see how I’ve added paint to this “God sees me” verse from Genesis 16:13 and the story of Hagar.

It was a pretty straightforward process with watercolors and ink. You can finish yours however you like.
Markers, colored pencils, (watercolor pencils would be fun and give you lots of flexibility), watercolors or acrylics would all work beautifully.
Tip: if you are going to add art to this download, be sure and print on at least white cardstock so the paper can handle the color you apply.
Print on a page of watercolor paper for even more satisfying results. (Consult your printer for using different types of papers.)
Or resize this short Bible verse for comfort and strength, print on cardstock again, and write an encouraging message on the back. Then give to a friend or family member who can really use the support.
(Besides using meaningful text like scriptures for strength and comfort, you can also up your game by creating a gratitude journal. Here's a post with gratitude journal prompts for children, but these work just as well for adults. Enjoy!)
More Bible Verses for Strength and Courage in Difficult Times
The following Bible verse concepts are wonderful when you need strength and courage. They are an ever-present help for us, straight from the Father of compassion. These links all lead to inspirational Bible verses and teachings about the verses, so take a few moments and spend some time with Him.
God Sees Me
God Sees Me is from Genesis 16:13 and the story of Hagar. The link goes to a helpful article from Proverbs31.org (download the printable for this verse above).
"She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”"
God of Hope Bible Verse
This God of hope Bible verse is from Romans 15:13. The link goes to the scripture at Biblegateway.com. Consider digging a little deeper and read the entire chapter to meditate on Paul’s words in this beautiful God of hope scripture passage.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Download your printable copy of this Bible verse for strength and courage right here.

Here’s how I choose to add artwork to mine. Done with watercolor pencils and ink. I also added some white paint around the font to make God of Hope stand out a bit.

Name of the Lord
Name of the Lord comes from many verses but I’ve chosen a helpful article about Proverbs 18:10 to meditate on.
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe."
(Would you like to learn more about creating your own artwork? Doing so might really add to your Bible verse studies. And it's easier than you probably think. Click to see more watercolor ideas and how to get started.)
Download this beautiful scripture artwork right here.

This short Bible verse for comfort and strength will be fun to add a little art to. You can simply embellish my original sunflower with more ink or go all out like I did with watercolors.

Keep Proverbs 18:10 in front of you as you create with the Lord. Let these beautiful words sink deep in your spirit.
Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. Their beauty and majesty is what reminds me of their Creator, so I chose them to represent this short verse for comfort and encouragement.
Valley of the shadow of death
Valley of the shadow of death is from the classic Psalm 23 verse 4. Get a deeper understanding by reading several different translations of this verse at Biblehub.com

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” Psalm 23:4

Paths of Righteousness
“He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name sake.”

Paths of righteousness is also from Psalm 23. This time verse 3. This article from thewarcry.com digs deeper into this profound truth.
Sometimes when you add art to a piece, you want drama. And often I find that to create drama in a piece of artwork you need simplicity. This verse line art printable offers just that. Just by changing the color you can change the mood.

Try different colors and see for yourself!
Love of God
Love of God. These verses can come from many, many verses. I have chosen Romans 8:37-39 from Biblestudytools.com
Peace of God
Peace of God is another idea that can be found in many places in the Bible. I have chosen Philippians 4:6-7 and you can find other verses about the peace of God through the link to WorldVision.org.uk
Own understanding
Own understanding comes from Proverbs 3:5-6 and The Insanity of Leaning on Our Own Understanding from desiringgod.com has some valuable insights.
God’s Word

Hebrews 4:12 says “For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

God’s Word is also a phrase found in many verses in scripture. I chose Hebrews 4:12 and you can find other verses speaking to this idea at Bibleinsideout.com.
This is a great download to use with colored pencils or watercolor pencils. Just like coloring in a coloring book. You choose the colors, whether vibrant (as I chose) or you could go with pastels or neutrals. Earthy tones would be gorgeous and result in a totally different look. You know, actually, you can print out this scripture and color it as many times as you want – differently each time. If you’re memorizing it, that’s a fun way to do it.
Father of mercies
Father of mercies from 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 can be studied in the translation of your choice at Bible.com
Heart of the Sea
Heart of the sea found in Psalm 46:1-2 is a powerful and profound Psalm. Spend time soaking this Psalm in; read the Psalm in its entirety at YouVersion at Bible.com
O Lord
O Lord can come from many many places in scripture, obviously. I chose Psalm 86, a psalm of David.
Eternal glory
This Eternal glory reference is from 2 Corinthians 4:17-18. This article on the Eternal Glory of the Bride of Christ is fascinating.
Very present help
Very present help from Psalm 46:1 linked to various translations at Biblehub.com
Momentary troubles
Momentary troubles from 2 Corinthians 4:17 linked to a teaching None of our Suffering is Meaningless.
Green pastures

Green pastures from Psalm 23:2-4 linked to a very interesting article at Vanguardnrg.com
“He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.” Psalm 23:2

You really can’t go wrong with memorizing Psalm 23. Share these downloads with your study or friend group (just no commercial usage, please) and discuss the ways God has blessed you all with these beautiful strong Bible verses.
Testing of your faith
Testing of your faith in James 1:2-3 is all about character development for the believer. Gotquestions.org has a helpful article unpacking this truth.
Renewing of your mind
Renewing of your mind from Romans 12:2 is one of several verses on renewing the mind at bettertogether.tv
Pattern of the world
The pattern of this world is also from Romans 12:2. Spiritandtruthonline.org has an interesting article about being ‘spiritual meterologists’.
Time of grief
Biblical help with the time of grief can be found in many verses such as Psalm 73:26 and this article at chatbooks.com shares them.
Power of the Holy Spirit
Power of the Holy Spirit Acts 1:8 – The Holy Spirit in the Bible: Power, Promise and Presence.
Grab these digital downloads from my Etsy shop (just click on the graphic above) and add them to your resource box for Bible study handouts, women’s or men’s groups, encouraging notes and more.
Watercolor does the most amazing things! The wet-on-wet technique you see above is the result of wetting the watercolor paper and then adding wet paint. Yes, you have to be careful about how you add the paint, but not too careful! Watercolor blends beautifully, which, for me, makes it the perfect medium to add to a beautiful Bible verse on strength.
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ from 2 Corinthians 1:3. Check out this helpful teaching on the Trinity from mbcpathway.com.
Righteous right hand
Righteous right hand – Isaiah 41:10 at Biblehub.com
Strength of my heart

“My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26
I chose to use pencil for the hearts in this short Bible verse for comfort and strength so that they are softer and won’t stand out so much when you add your own artwork. I did the same thing in my own artwork, featured in the graphic below, and you can see the gentle pencil marks but they are not very noticeable. Just enough to add a bit of dimension without too much contrast and let you know where to add your artwork.

Strength of my heart from Psalm 73:26. Listen to Don Moen as he sings praises to our God Who is the strength of our heart.
Christ’s power
Christ’s power is evident all through the Bible as in life. Philippians 4:13 is just one example; you’ll find several scriptures at staylitapparel.co.uk.
Goodness of the Lord
Goodness of the Lord from Psalm 27:13. Davidjeremiah.org shares many more scriptures on this topic.
Full armor of God
The full armor of God is detailed in Ephesians 6:10-18. This teaching from Crosswalk.com might be helpful.
Grab these high quality printables from my Etsy shop (just click on the graphic above) and add them to your tool box for Bible study handouts, Bible cards, encouraging notes and more. You can personalize them with a handwritten note on the back.
Joy of the Lord
One of my favorite scriptures is the joy of the Lord from Nehemiah 8:10. Share with others who love the Lord at faithpixel.com
As mentioned above, here’s another in a set of low cost printables from my Etsy shop (just click on the graphic above) and use them for a wide variety of uses. Even just to encourage yourself!
Great cloud of witnesses
Great cloud of witnesses from Hebrews 12:1 is an encouraging section of the Bible. If you’ve never unpacked this verse before (or even if you have) you may enjoy this short teaching at Gotquestions.org.
Wasn’t that fun to review so many Bible verses for strength and courage in difficult times? These words are powerful and I hope they can bring you help and comfort today.