One of my favorite uses for printables – whether text or art – is in teaching. Or more accurately – sharing. And being a great friend is a wonderful thing to share!
Using artwork printables is a great idea because it doesn’t feel like teaching. Or like learning. All the information sort of sneaks in the back door of a brain that’s busy enjoying the quote or artwork in front of it.
But make no mistake, learning is happening.
Here’s an example for you.
Let’s say a parent wants to help a child learn about friend-making; which is a worthy goal. And since having friends is not a magical thing but a concrete set of skills that can be learned and practiced, using artwork as one of the tools of choice is just smart.
Learning how to make friends is so important. And being a friend is definitely a skill I worked at teaching my own children.
(By the way, this same process works well for adults in those times when we realize we could use a new friend or two.)
If you’re a parent (or grandparent) who thinks this idea has merit, here’s one way to do this.
Pulling Together Your Steps for Teaching How to Be a Friend

What Is a Friend? For starters, someone who is…
- kind.
- thinks of others often.
- is dependable and trustworthy.
- has my back.
- can laugh. A lot.
- likes some of the same things I like.
- is a good person. Which makes them a good friend.
- What qualities do you think are important in a good friend?
Make your own Good Friend definition and turn it into a printable for your wall:
- Make a list of everything you believe is important in making friends, being a friend, etc. These identified qualities of good friends are super important so don’t cut corners on this part.
- Cull the list down to about 10 items.
- Arrange these in a Word doc or a similar word processing program.
- Use fonts that are easy to read yet convey moods that will help your reader connect with what you’re saying.
- Print, hang and have ongoing discussions using the printable as your conversation-starter.
Pretty straightforward and, by the way, works for all types of topics, not just being a friend.
Here’s my version of a printable to help teach about being a friend. It’s free for you to download and use in your home.

Using Your Printable to Go Deeper in Teaching About Friendship
This method of sharing really works, if you work it. It’s an easy way for kids – both preteen and teen – to ponder your guidance in a non-threatening way.
How? Well, Once you’ve hung your topic of friendship on the wall, family members can see the printable every day. And you can set the pace of conversation. For example, each day at dinner discuss another point on the printable. Encourage family members to role play different ideas from the printable. Do folks around your table think the ideas on the printable will work – and why or why not? Have they tried the suggestions themselves?
I love artwork that can strengthen, encourage or comfort. This is minimalism artwork that works hard for you.
An important point of this idea is the listening you can do with your child. The child gets the chance to be heard – deeply – which can enrich the connection between the two of you over time.
Powerful stuff, right? And all set in motion with a humble printable. What other big ideas that you’d like to share with your children or grandchildren could be shared using this same idea?
Here’s another idea: if you have preschoolers in your family, here’s a way to teach using preschool color charts you can print and use today. Enjoy!