This is straightforward. Keep the decor simple and to the point.
I lean into Thanksgiving classics like using pine cones from my yard.

And pumpkin centerpieces.

And autumn printables popped into frames I already have.

Want a free watercolor pumpkin printable you can print out and pop in a frame of your own? I made one for you and you can get it here.
Do holiday prep ahead of time
Honestly, you don’t need to do a lot to host a beautiful Thanksgiving; getting as much done as possible before the Big Day means you spend more time enjoying the holiday and less time stressing.
This works so well, plus gives you emotional margin to deal with the normal stressors of the actual day. You know what I mean. Guests who are late. Kids who are messy. Food that doesn’t live up to your expectations.
Keeping all of this in mind it helps me to decorate and prepare as much food ahead of time as I can, and even prep the games.
What games, you ask? Well, there are lots of fun Thanksgiving games available but until I planned ahead I didn’t know that!
Here’s an article that has even more ideas on making this Thanksgiving the best ever.
Prepping means planning
Coming off the last section you’ll need a way to plan out that yummy Thanksgiving meal you’re planning.
So I made a pumpkin themed printable menu planner for you. Yes, it’s free!
Coordinate everything for even more easy decorating
A fast and easy way to look like you’ve done a lot of decorating for Thanksgiving but actually only takes minutes is to use watercolor clip art to coordinate everything for your festive gathering.
You can make invitations, shopping lists, place cards – so many things – match your printable wall art and printable games.
All from one piece or set of well-designed clipart.
Take a look at how I’ve used my watercolor pumpkin artwork to create an Autumn mood. You can do this with any clipart you love. For any occasion.

Being grateful
Oh, before I forget, here’s the most important thing of all when it comes to Thanksgiving. Like many families, we love to gather around and take turns talking about what we’re thankful for at that moment. We often pray our thanks in a family circle, teaching the children to be aware of the gift of gratitude, too.

If that sounds interesting to you, too, please go here and grab a printable copy of my pumpkin themed gratitude list.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!