Learning how to practice gratitude is a natural during Thanksgiving.
Outside of the holiday, using a gratitude journal can really fine-tune your blessings awareness.
Our family has always made counting our blessings a priority, especially at Thanksgiving. That’s why it’s one of my favorite holidays.
To help encouraging a tradition of thankfulness, I designed a printable gratitude list complete with a cute watercolor pumpkin.

You can download it here.

Make how to practice gratitude in life easy
Everyone at our Thanksgiving table will share what they’re grateful for as we gather together. We often pray our thanksgivings; it’s just what we do.
Using this pumpkin printable makes it easy to reflect on the benefits of gratitude that we all have all year long.
Just make the gratitude list create a thankful awareness of the gifts we all have.
Make as many copies as you need.
Thankful for good food
Thanksgiving dinner is traditionally a feast in many homes; it certainly is in ours.
I put my watercolor pumpkin clipart to work and created a Thanksgiving menu planner that’s downloadable and printable.
In addition do you like to decorate for your Thanksgiving holiday? If you do and want to keep it simple, take a look at my Best Thanksgiving Ever post. You might enjoy it.
Practicing gratitude brings joy
Amazing how that works, isn’t it? The more we are thankful, the more our spirits are lifted. I love that! It’s one of the reasons I do art. So much joy in creating beauty.
So many people have great things to say about the power of gratitude. I found this helpful article on being thankful and I wanted to share it with you. Gratitude has truly pulled me out of the down times more than once. It’s a fantastic tool but I found I must practice it consistently (like anything I want to be good at) to receive the full benefits.
With Christmas right around the corner, I’m all for keeping the joy going. Take a look at my Christmas Joy printables here and let it inspire you to use easy and inexpensive printables to create your own special spaces.