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This You Are Mine Bible Verse tiny card is such an easy way to remind yourself all day long that you are in the hands of Almighty God.
This scripture from Isaiah 43:1 is talking directly to God’s people, Israel, and it reveals so beautifully how God the Father feels about all of His creation.
The entire verse reads:
But now, this is what the Lord says—
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
Another translation reads: “I have called you by name; you are mine.” Reflecting on this Bible verse throughout the day is an important way to bring these words into our reality.
Download this I am yours and you are mine Bible verse, print it and carry it with you wherever you go.
Really lean into these words and let them help you.
For example,
Day getting tough? Reach for these words, read them slowly and meditatively, intentionally believe them and place them in your heart.
Finding yourself angry or frustrated? Reach for these words again and as you read them remember that God is saying this to each of us. This beautiful little watercolor card can help us as we feel calmer and more cared for.
Have a friend or loved one who needs an “I belong to God” bible verse? Print another copy of this, write a short note of encouragement on the back and give it away.
In addition, we all can print out a Bible verse easily enough but adding a little beauty through art really adds to the encouragement this card can offer.
Plus feel free to doodle your own art on the back of the card.
Of course, you can print this free printable Bible verse card again and again.
Use it as a colorful and encouraging tag for a gift.
Slip these powerful words into your child’s lunchbox with your sweet note on the back.
Use my design as a starting place and print out Isaiah 43:1 and add your own artwork to mine with colored pencils or markers. (Personal use only, please.)
You can crop the aesthetic design and use digitally on your phone or tablet, too.
You get the idea.
You are mine Bible verse with artwork from Isaiah 43:1. May this tiny card have a big impact of joy and peace.
Would you like some additional positive affirmations? I think you’ll enjoy them, too.