The Bible is a big source of joy, comfort and wisdom for me and a lot of others too. So it was a natural fit to apply my artwork sketches to creating a “Bible verses for every situation PDF”. I have compiled these 3 pages of beloved verses in a free PDF and they are ready to print as one printable or you can easily cut the download into individual verses to carry in your purse or wallet – or tape to your mirror or keep in your car for quick reference.

These verses are taken from both the Old Testament and New Testament. If you are using them to help you through difficult times, the main thing is to keep them at hand where you can repeatedly take God’s word into your spirit.

Bible verses make wonderful short positive affirmations!
Bible verses for everyday life
Everyday life can really throw us some curve balls.
Grabbing a random Bible verse here and there when a hard time comes isn’t the most helpful way to use scripture.
The Bible itself teaches us to meditate on and study the scriptures so they become a part of us.
(And that’s another reason I love to add artwork to my Bible verses and quotes. That little bit of illustration helps my brain to “grab ahold” of these verses and cement them inside.)
(Come and see my printable Tiny Card “I have called you by name; you are mine” Bible verse.)
So in addition to the larger 3 page pdf above, I’ve also assembled a smaller group of Bible verses with even simpler art. These make excellent notes cards when printed and cut apart. This makes it easy to write an encouraging message on the back and share God’s promises with a friend going through a hard time.

Never underestimate the good work of sharing your own understanding of the Word of God. Ask God to help you as you share, stay true to what the Bible says about the topic, and offer some peace with the Good News.
Also, don’t stop with these out-of-context Bible verses! Whether for yourself or a friend, be sure and make these beautiful verses just the beginning. Look up at least the entire chapter. Get a feel for what the Holy Spirit is teaching us in the passage.
For example, on some of these cards I’ve had to use only a portion of the verse to fit it properly on the card. You really need to see the things God is saying for yourself and that requires more than just one verse!
That being said, once you’ve learned the context of a passage within the bigger picture of scripture, using these encouraging cards and keeping that verse close so you are reminded over and over of what God is saying to you is extremely helpful. This will help you memorize these incredible verses which will help work them into your spirit.
(Here is a God of Hope Bible Verse with artwork free printable for you to paint or color. Enjoy!)
Here’s a great Bible verse about everyday life.

Bible verses about living life with purpose
Living with purpose can make all the difference in everyday life.

God’s promises are meant to help us keep working towards the goals He has placed on our hearts and minds.
The pattern of this world has its own version of success. But the Lord Jesus has a bigger picture.
He has a mission for each of us to do. It may look simple to us or it may look complicated, but He has prepared us and is even now preparing us to do those good works for Him.
This is legitimately hard work, of course! But using Bible verses about living life with purpose can keep our focus on the main thing as well as improve our own understanding of the hard time we may be going through.
It can really help to go over these Bible verses with supportive friends so you can share what you’re learning with each other.
(Try meditating on this scripture if you’re looking at Bible verses when you feel like no one cares.)
Another thing I like to do is to write out a Bible verse and add artwork to it. That forces me to slow down and focus on the verse, reading it over and over again as I draw or doodle around and through the letters. (Hey! Coloring these verses would be fun to do with friends, too. If you need a free printable with a short comforting Bible verse on it to color, I’ve got you covered.)
It also reminds me how beautiful God’s word is as I add beauty of my own through my artwork!
Another great idea to try is Bible verses to color on bookmarks. Then you will have the verses in front of you whenever you read!
(Would you like to learn more about creating your own art to use with Bible verses you love? It’s probably easier than you think; everyone has creativity inside of them! Take a look at ideas on how to get started making your own artwork.)
Trusting God in difficult times Bible verses
Some days are hard, hard, hard.

It helps to have a go-to process when life gets tough. Something that can help you develop calm and peace in the midst of trying times.
Coloring pages featuring scripture, writing letters to Christ Jesus, even drawing your own picture of Jesus can be soothing.
In the above New Testament Bible verse from James, I am reminded that first of all, I will have to endure temptation and that our testing has a purpose – being approved. For me this means the testing, at least in part, is there to help me improve. God wants me to know He has created me to be strong and that He almost always sees me as stronger than I see myself!
Again, as I mentioned above, writing impactful verses from several books of the Bible and decorating them with watercolor or colored pencils – or simply pencil or ink – can really help me focus on the meaning of the passage and let it sink it deep within me, where it needs to be.
(Additional thoughts: When you are looking for comforting words for someone you love who is struggling with anxiety.)
What the Bible says about forgiveness and letting go

The Bible has a lot of guidance for many different situations.
When I was compiling these Bible verses for every situation, I realized including what the Bible says about forgiveness and letting go is very useful.
We’ve all been hurt; we’ve all said or done things, intentionally or unintentionally, that have hurt others.
But what to do?
Probably every book of the Bible has something to say or a story to tell about forgiveness and letting go. I certainly have not included all of those here. But I have included 1 John 1:9 which reminds us we can start anew everyday through the tools of confession and forgiveness.
These are fantastic tools!
Sometimes the best place to start with forgiveness is ourselves. Then we can see clearly enough to forgive others.
Letting go of our own mistakes, sins, and obstacles is one thing. Letting go of the hurt from others is vital, too.
If you want to spend some time thinking deeply about this topic, write this verse out with a favorite marker or pen. Then doodle around it while meditating about it. Trace over the words again and again, if you like.
Using color is a known therapeutic help; pay attention to the marker or ink or paint colors that resonate with you as you think about this verse and how it applies in your own life.
If this type of idea is something you want to explore further, take a look at these therapeutic art ideas for adults.
Trusting God in difficult times Bible verses
Maybe trusting God is what is holding you back? Maybe you’ve been hurt by someone else and trust is a sensitive issue for you. I understand. I’ve experienced that myself.
Turns out, this is a main theme in scriptures, too, so finding a good mix of trusting God in difficult time Bible verses for study, meditation and prayer is fairly straightforward.
Here’s a good one to start with. (Download it plus all of these verses in the free pdf above.)

The Spirit of God can be trusted to help us increase our faith. There is not one best way to do this. I’ve talked about using art, drawing and sketching to help cement these wise words in our hearts, but there are other ways, too.
Memorization is a time-tested way to get the Word of God deep inside of us. I confess I am not good at memorizing but for some people, this is their go-to method.
Carrying this verse with you and reading it several times a day is a good practice.
Bottom line on getting scripture deep inside, try several methods and do what works best for you.
What does the Bible say about loneliness and isolation?
When exploring top Bible verses for every situation, I didn’t feel I could leave out loneliness and isolation.
These are such very real problems in our world today.
Probably everyone reading this has experienced these difficult emotions.
I know I have.

Knowing that God says “I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you” is powerful if we give those words a chance to soak into our spirits and bodies.
Reading scripture out loud is always a good idea. Taking a walk or finding a quiet spot and repeating this verse from Hebrews over and over again and letting it wrap around us like a warm blanket can be comforting and strengthening.
Besides getting meditative with scripture like this, it’s good to think about how God actually answers a verse like this. One way is through us working with Him by looking for new friends to meet. We never know how He’s going to help us in these ways and our part is to make ourselves available and try new things.
Sometimes looking for new friends in the areas we are involved in can help. For example, if you’re a mom or dad and are feeling alone in your parenting, you might look for a parenting group through a church or school.
If you’re an empty nester, you might want to look for new friends through a group dedicated to a new hobby you want to try out.
Work with God by praying as you search for and meet these new friends.
This process often takes more than one try but I’ve found it be truly helpful and I’ve been surprised by the connections God has led me to.
This is just one idea, I’m sure you can think of other ways to meet the friends God is preparing for you, too.
Bible verses when you feel like no one cares
Sometimes it feels like no one cares.
The Lord does care, however, He cares very very much for each and every one of us.

When we’re feeling like this it’s good to remind ourselves of God’s truth: “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”
(This verse is not in the downloadable pdf above; I thought the topic is so important that I added the graphic.)
It helps to keep in mind that this verse has nothing to do with our feelings. This is the Lord’s gift to us; His presence. It’s a fact whether we feel it or not. Drawing on that truth can be just what we need when we’re feeling down.
Write this verse out on a card; color it, doodle on it, or print it on colored card stock. Add stickers or colorful tape. Adding a little beauty to it can help it stick in your mind and spirit.
Try looking in the mirror and reading it to yourself, personalizing it.
Just another way to get these scriptures into our core where they can really help us.
Bible verses for every situation – PDF printable
Downloading a “Bible verses for every situation pdf” is an easy and smart way to incorporate more Biblical wisdom into your everyday life.
Feel free to add color to the artwork and personalize these verses so they encourage you even more.
In fact, you can use my free tag template to add your own artwork and scriptures to.
It’s easy to make verse gift cards with this method too!
If you enjoy adult coloring, you may like these scripture coloring pages I found.
However you choose to use these printable Bible verses, I hope they bless you and those around you in many ways.